Monday, 31 December 2012
Happy New Year
Heels - £35 Missguided (here)
Spike Bracelet - £6 Diamond Petal (here)
This post is a little different to my normal post's as I only usually post what I actually wore out, I never just get dressed up to shoot pictures as I think fashion blogs should be about real wearable fashion.
Tonight will be the first time since I was 18 not to go to a NYE rave or big party, I'm actually going to a small onsie party! I found the concept of a onsie party a bit different, knowing that there will be a bunch of grown guys walking around in onsies will be a funny sight, so hey why not!
So this post is inspired as a 'would be' NYE outfit. The sparkles and glitter is so new years eve. I always go all out with my NYE outfits, it should be all about sparkles, bright colours and fun. I actually bought this dress about two years ago, it was dirt cheap probably about £5, the sparkles drew me in! I don't know why it's been sitting in my wardrobe all this time, I cant wait to actually wear it out now.
I hope you guys like my outfit, I'm sure all your outfits will be amazing!! I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you have a wonderful time whatever you do tonight. See you in 2013.
Hugs and Kisses xxx