Hey Girls!

I'm Carol, a wife, mother and Content Creator.
I love creating online content for my blog, YouTube channel and Instagram.
Taking pretty pictures, sharing tips and inspiration and talking to my readers
and followers about things I like excites me so much!


Thursday, 27 September 2012

Colour Block - Green and Blue

Trousers - Select
Shirt - Primark
Heels - £12 Primark
YSL look-a-like ring - £7 Diamond Petal
Bracelet - H&M

I haven't colour blocked in a while, today I wanted to feel sunny even though the weather looked gloomy.
I'm a bit bummed because its starting to get dark before I get home from work, so its so hard to take pictures outside, does anyone have the same problem?  But i found this wall near my house that will get me by!


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Cut out top

Wedges - £25 Garage Shoes
Skirt - £32 Ebay
Top -  Rare Fashion
Ring - £7 Diamond Petal
Necklace - Old
Bracelet - Newlook

I'm posting this outfit 5 days late, shame on me! I wore this to the cinema on Friday to watch Savage, what a great film, not what I expected which made it even better.

Summers officially over, boo! I don't know when I will next wear a skirt or shorts which is so depressing.  I know the UK has freak weather so I'm still holding out for one last heatwave.. A lot to ask right.
To all of you still enjoying some nice weather, please please send some our way!


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

White Ribbons

Skirt - £3 H&M Sale
Top - Primark (old)
Heels - £12 Primark
Jewellery - Diamond Petal

I just walked in my house at 11pm exhausted from a work event, I started work at 8am.  Any normal person would have gone straight to bed, but I haven't posted for a while and I'm having posting withdrawals! So I decided to take a picture of the outfit I wore to the event.  I wanted to keep it nice and simple but just gave it a splash of colour with the pink bag.

By the way, £3 for a skirt from H&M how amazing right, that's why I bought 3 in different colours, you definitely cannot go wrong! Night all xx

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Saturday, 15 September 2012

#2 Outfit under £30 - Rare

Dress - £10 Rare (here)
Heels -  £12 Primark

I wore this outfit last Sunday to a christening, it was a beautiful sunny day but all the pictures I took came out way too bright!  I was was just browsing throw my iPhone and noticed this picture I took above, how amazing is the quality considering it was taken from an  iPhone. 

This lovely dress is from an online boutique called Rare, they house the most amazing dresses, even better I think they have the best online sale I have seen this summer.  Other than this dress I couldn't resist buying other pieces too.  Que my second outfit for under £30, this was so unplanned,  and this outfit only comes in at a mere £22.  Who says you have to spend a lot to look a million dollars at events you normally would go all out for.

The cheeky monkey in the picture below is my beautiful cousin in here amazing outfit, I tell her all the time to start a blog!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Those Sunglasses

Dress - Forever 21 Dubai (old)
Sunglasses - £6.99 Ebay (here)
Wedge Boot - £24.99 Garage Shoes (here)

I wore this outfit to work on Friday, London has been graced with gorgeous weather, so its nice to still be able to break out a dress while it last.  I also wore my favorite sunglasses, I wore them out so much on holiday, and for the price that they are I might even purchase some other colours!

I was in a very silly mood when I took these pictures as you can tell, these are the toned down version of my silliness, the other pictures shall not be posted for your own safety! ha ha


Friday, 7 September 2012

Sexy Back

Dress - Asos
Earrings - Primark
Heels - Peacocks

Don’t you just love the back of this red dress! This dress is what I call sexy in a subtle way, it’s not short or revealing, the design at the back does all the talking.  I borrowed this dress from my cousin, well in fact stole it! Hehe I didn’t give her a chance to say no, thanks cuz J

I wore this out last Saturday, a bit late posting it I know.  We tried out a club in Clapham called Aquam, it’s a very nice club, but what surprised me the most is the fact that Clapham high street looked like a mini scene out of Ibiza, bars lined up on the whole street.  London always seems to spring up with hidden surprises.

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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Outfit for under £30

Skirt - £5 Ebay (here)
Heels - £12 Primark
Shirt - £12 Primark
Outfit grand total = £29

Welcome to my new post that will feature a lot on the blog 'Outfit for Under £30'.  I believe you should dress to make an outfit look expensive, never let an outfit wear you!  I love fashion but I don't want to go broke for it.  Of course in doing this I will only do this post when I have the links to were you can buy the outfit or then the post would be pretty pointless! Unfortunately I do not have the links for the two items from Primark ( I still wonder why they do not have an online store)  These two items are in store right now though.

I wore this outfit to work yesterday, I'm in love with this colour combination, the collar detail gives it that extra pop.  

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Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Shirt - £14.35 Missguided (here)
Peplum Skirt - £12.79 (here)
Heels - £12 Primark
YSL inspired ring - £12 (here)

Happy September everyone! August went by so fast and the year feels like it will be over in no time.
Lucky for us Londoner's the sun has come out to surprise us this week which is always lovely, I have a feeling we will have a warm winter as we did not have much of a summer.

Talking about summer I'm still trying to wear all my summery clothes as much as I can.  My outfit is from the online shop Missguided, I would say it's my favorite online shop in the UK.  Their clothes are very unique and I have been a fan of them since they first came on the scene, I think 3 years ago now, it's always nice to see a companies growth.

This shirt is my new favorite, I saw it a while ago and was surprised to see how cheap it was on sale.

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