Hey Girls!

I'm Carol, a wife, mother and Content Creator.
I love creating online content for my blog, YouTube channel and Instagram.
Taking pretty pictures, sharing tips and inspiration and talking to my readers
and followers about things I like excites me so much!


Monday, 28 May 2018

Casual Luxury T-shirt

Tshirt - Asos
Jeans - Asos
Bag - old
Trainers - JD Sports

This is my mum look, my running errands look, I want to look nice but casual look and I don't have time to think of an outfit look! Jeans with a casual tee are my go to look and I love it. (How many times did I just write look lol)

I have made it a point to start buying more print tees recently in different colours and styles.  I sometimes shy away from shooting these type of outfits because they probably seem to boring and regular but my blog has always been about the everyday girl rather than doing it for the gram!

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Sunday, 20 May 2018

Shooting with a Toddler

Jumpsuit - H&M (old)
Heels- Missguided

This is the reality of shooting with a toddler, take a quick picture and then make sure she hasn't made a run for it! If only you could see half of the shots, most of them you can see the top of her head and half of them were too difficult to edit her out!

The struggle is real, I commend bloggers who are really consistent with shooting and posting with one or even more kids.  I use to find it difficult pre-baby, but looking back I now know how easy I had it. Before Ava, I could literally ask hubby for 15 minutes of his time to quickly go and shoot, in most cases no planning was required and most of the times it was spontaneous and very last minute.

Post-baby the ideal solution is to plan shoot days, actually, back in January I booked a studio and hubby and I shoot seven looks, while Ava was at grandmas house, this set up was the best, and I was really consistent in Jan and Feb.  The shoot above was spontaneous, I was going out for a dinner and asked hubby to shoot so we had to take Ava out, it took double the time and it was more work actually watching over her then it was shooting.

This is a bit of an insight into what it takes to blog, I'm working on my consistency because I do love blogging, I have been doing it for 7 years and I hardly make any money from it, but I still love it.

I think a lot of people think its easy to 'wear cute outfits and take a picture' it's not as easy as it looks at all.

Fellow bloggers, what are your blogging struggles?

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Thursday, 3 May 2018

Forever 21 Fur Jacket

I can't believe I'm posting a fur jacket look in May, I'm so done with UK weather! We had glorious weather two weeks ago that completely fooled us into thinking it was finally time for spring weather, we Brits always get our hopes up with a little bit of sun lol

It's my birthday on May 7th, so fingers crossed the sun makes a reappearance.  But I do love this fur jacket and I don't get to wear it as much as I would like as it has quite a few colours going on which makes picking an outfit quite limited. I bought it from Forever 21 about 2 years ago so they no longer have it on their website unfortunately.

I hope your all having a good day and cheers to the new month, the best month of the year to be honest!

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